
Feel Less Self-Conscious with VelaViShape
Treat your body with this dramatic cellulite reduction process and achieve your dream figure!
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VelaViShape or VelaShape is a painless, non-invasive cellulite reduction and body contouring process. This circumferential reduction treatment will enable you to get a well-contoured and toned body within a few sessions.
If you have been dreaming of achieving that toned, sexy figure, this FDA-cleared temporary cellulite reduction treatment has got you covered. This works exceptionally well for the temporary reduction of your abdominal, cellulite, and thighs.

What is VelaShape?
VelaShape is an innovative, non-invasive body toning treatment that offers a visible reduction in your body’s cellulite and circumference. Usually, within three treatment sessions, you will be able to unlock your sexier side. You can also opt for a single procedure protocol if you don’t have the time for three sessions.
How Does VelaShape Work?
VelaShape uses a technology that integrates vacuum, bi-polar radio frequency, and infrared light to heat your fat cells. This will also heat the dermal collagen fibers and neighboring connective tissues. The collective impact of the vacuum and heat will accelerate the growth of new collagen resulting in a more contoured body.
With the VelaShape technology, you will experience skin laxity reduction and improvement in skin texture. Moreover, with each session, you will get the cumulative benefits of the treatment.
Is VelaShape a Weight Loss Treatment?
VelaShape is not your typical weight-loss treatment. With the right combination of technologies, VelaShape aims to reduce all your trouble areas and unflattering spots. Moreover, this is completely painless and safe for the patients.
Ideal Candidate for VelaShape
If your workout regime and diet are unable to provide you with the desired contoured figure, then it’s time to opt for VelaShape treatments. The ideal patient for VelaShape treatment is one having a Body Mass Index of less than 30. Moreover, if you fall within Stage 1 and Stage 2 of The Nurnberger-Muller Cellulite Classification, this treatment will benefit you immensely.
Moreover, you must ask your doctor if you are an ideal patient for VelaShape treatments. You must also discuss with your doctor your trouble areas to target them effectively during the VelaShape cellulite reduction treatment.

The Nurnberger-Muller Cellulite Classification
The Nurnberger-Muller Classification Scale for Cellulite comes in handy for deciding the right VelaShape treatment candidate. The following stages are essential in deciding your cellulite level.
Stage 1
You won’t experience any dimpling while you are lying down or standing. But you are likely to get the orange peel appearance during the pinch test.
Stage 2
Here, you will experience both the orange peel and dimpling appearance while standing. But you won’t face these issues while you are lying down.
Stage 3
In stage 3, people will get the dimpling and orange peel appearance at all times – both when lying down and standing up.
Book your VelaShape treatment today to fit into your clothes better and feel more confident in your skin. Now feel less insecure whenever you are wearing a bodysuit or shorts. Call us: (727)-505-4997