
Packages & deals

LED light therapy

LED Light Treatment

One LED light treatment for Face, Neck: $35 $89

Two Treatments Acne LED light session: $65 $159

Two Treatments Age spots and Wrinkles or Whitening with LED lights: $85 $180

Lipo Laser

Three Fat Burning Laser Lipo Treatments; Restrictions Apply: $105

Five Fat Burning Laser Lipo Treatments; Restrictions Apply: $205



One Full-Body Pressotherapy Session: $45

Two Full-Body Pressotherapy Sessions: $79

Lipo Laser Treatment Package

Lipo Cavitation

Three Lipo-Cavitation or Radio Frequency Treatment: $149.70

Hair Restoration

One Laser Hair Restoration Session with Consultation & Analysis: $50 retail value

Four Laser Hair Regrowth Treatments with Consultation & Scalp Analysis: $128


HIFU Ultrasonic Skin Lift Treatment for Full Face: $250

HIFU Ultrasonic Skin Lift Treatment for Full Face & Neck: $520

Fat Freeze Crylipolysis

One Fat-Freezing Cryolipolysis Treatment: $145

Two Fat-Freezing Cryolipolysis Treatments: $299

Fat Freezing Crylipolysis Chin

One 30-Minute Cryolipolysis Session for Chin: $199

Elite HydraFacial

One Elite HydraFacial: $150

One Slimming Body Wrap; Valid for New Clients: $55

One Slimming Detox Treatment Far Infrared Sauna Blanket; Valid for New Clients: $69

One LED-Light Treatment for Face and Neck: $35

Two LED-Light Treatments for Acne: $65

Ultrasonic Cavitation

One Ultrasonic Cleansing Facial: $69

One Anti-Aging Facial with Ultrasonic Cavitation: $89

Fat Freeze

Fat Freezing

One Application of Fat Freezing for Stomach, Thighs, and Love Handles with Lymphatic Drainage =$299 retail value

Two plate of Fat Freezing for Stomach or Thighs or Love Handles; Restrictions Apply Delores: $299

Two plate of Fat-Freezing with Lymphatic Drainage: $550

Elite Liposonix

Elite Liposonix Fat-Reduction and Skin-Tightening Treatment for Abdomen; Valid for New Clients: $499

Elite Liposonix Fat-Reduction and Skin-Tightening Treatment for Flanks, Thighs, or Legs; Valid for New Clients: $599

Velavishape treatment


One session VelaViShape cellulite reduction for New Clients: $120

Three VelaViShape body contouring and cellulite reduction sessions for New Clients: $330

Three VelaViShape body contouring cellulite reduction sessions with add-on for New Clients, which includes Body wrap or Wood Therapy: $499

Scalp Micropigmentation Florida

Scalp Micropigmentation

One Men’s or Women’s Quarter Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment: $399 ($799)

One Men’s or Women’s Half Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment and one Laser Hair regrow: $799 ($1599)

One Men’s or Women’s Half Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment and one Laser Hair regrow: $1500 ($3000)


One Endosphere Cellulite Reduction Treatment: $300

One Endosphere Limphatic Drainage for full body: $450

One Endosphere for lifting face and removal wrinkles: $250

Two Endosphere Cellulite Reduction Treatments: $350 retail value

Three Endosphere Cellulite Reduction Treatments: $540 retail value

B12 Patch

One 30-Day B12 Patch Supply=$45 retail value